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07 Jul
2 minute read

The Best Super Foods A-Z: G Is For Goji Berries

Not only will goji berries deliver essential nutrients throughout your body, but if you're looking to shed a few pounds or get a better night's sleep, you may want to look into adding this incredible little berry into your diet.
07 Jul
3 minute read

The Best Super Foods A-Z: E Is for Edamame

Edamame may be the best-kept secret in the superfood world. Edamame, pronounced ed-ah-MAH-may, are immature, green soybeans. They may be sold fresh, still in their pods, shelled, or frozen. You are most likely to see the salty superfood as an appetizer on restaurant menus.
26 Dec
2 minute read

Why You Deserve Guilt-Free Holidays

Let's be honest. There are many ways that people celebrate the winter season — Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and New Year's. Not everyone will celebrate every event, but they will get invited to gatherings where tempting foods and drinks common to these traditions are displayed in abundance.
22 Oct
4 minute read

6 Healthy Halloween Recipes That Will Make Your Party Ghostly Fun

Halloween is almost here! You're throwing your usual All Hallow's Eve Party — yet, this year you want something a bit different from Tombstone cookies, Zombie Fingers, and candied apples. Come over to the "healthy side" and make these tasty Halloween snacks!
19 Dec
2 minute read

How Coffee Is Secretly Helping You Keep Fit

Every year, 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed around the world. It’s as much a part of most people’s daily routine as getting out of bed and getting dressed.
09 Aug
3 minute read

5 Most Healthy Types Of Food That Can Improve Your Natural Beauty

It’s no secret that the foods we choose to consume on a daily basis are reflected both inside and out, affecting our health and our appearance alike.
17 Jul
2 minute read

How To Create A Personal Diet That Will Actually Work

You've decided you want to get fit and healthy, so you need to overhaul your eating habits. Congratulations! You're on the first step to getting the body you've always wanted.
20 May
2 minute read

How Clean Eating Supports Your Fitness Goals

With all the diets plans out there, it can be difficult to figure out what to eat and what to avoid. We all know that eating broccoli is healthier than devouring sweets, but what about the rest of the foods in the grocery store? Is a granola bar healthy? What about a protein supplement?
25 Feb
2 minute read

6 Fantastic Benefits of Adding Red Meat to Your Diet

Red meat gets a bad reputation, but the truth is that in moderation, quality, unprocessed meats such as beef and venison can help to balance out a healthy diet.
15 Jan
2 minute read

What You Need To Know About Salt and Its Health Benefits

Sodium chloride, commonly known as salt, has far-reaching culinary uses and health benefits that vary according to different types, crystal sizes and usage.
24 Jan
4 minute read

5 Amazing Healthy Italian Recipes That Will Make You Slim And Happy

Love Italian food? Here are some recipes to skip the pizza and pasta place on the corner and make your own easy healthy nutrient-dense Italian delights.
13 Dec
2 minute read

5 Delicious Moroccan Recipes To Help You Lose Weight With Taste

Moroccan foods are amazing, richly flavored with a wonderfully creative use of veggies. Salads for the mezze ("appetizer" course) tend to feature single vegetables. The array of salads is a chance for a cook to demonstrate creativity and for an "eater" to eat the rainbow.
28 Nov
2 minute read

The Best Superfoods A-Z: E Is For Eggs

An oldie but goodie, the humble egg is the ultimate convenience food and has impressive health credentials.
25 Nov
3 minute read

What Is Cholesterol And How To Lower It Naturally

Experts such as the Harvard Medical School, Natural Health Advisory Institute, Mayo Clinic and Prevention Magazine all agree on medicine bottles on the kitchen windowsill being unnecessary for the lowering of cholesterol.
21 Oct
3 minute read

Is Fast Food Really That Bad And Forbidden?

When you first embark on a health and fitness journey, one of the first pieces of advice you'll hear is that you need to give up fast food.
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