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15 Jan

What You Need To Know About Salt and Its Health Benefits

Sodium chloride, commonly known as salt, has far-reaching culinary uses and health benefits that vary according to different types, crystal sizes and usage.

We’re told many different facts about the effect of salt on our health, and as the debate heats up, we’re often left confused as to which salt to use and how often we should use it. 

There are many ways to feel happy and healthy, and using salt can help. If you want to know more about salt and some of the benefits salt can have on improving our health, then read on.


What Does Salt Do?

The ratio of salt and water is crucial for helping the metabolic rate of our bodies as the salt sends signals to our muscles and nerves which helps to encourage the fluid content in our blood cells. However, if we consume too much salt, it can lead to high blood pressure, asthma, weight gain and other health issues.


How Much Salt Should We Have?

According to health and medical communities, different salts will have varying advice associated with them, but The American Heart Association recommends 2,300 milligrams per day. However, much of this intake is derived from processed food, bread, cereals, etc. so you should always refer to the nutritional information on pre-packaged food labels to find out the precise salt content. Alternatively, if you eat a diet of fresh food such as green vegetables, seafood, etc. and add salt for flavour in cooking, then how much you consume will differ.


Four Ways Salt Can Improve Our Health

  1. Adding a little salt to your coffee can help to recharge some of the sodium our bodies lose when we drink caffeine.
  2. A mix of salt and warm water can help reduce swelling of gums, clean plaque, whiten teeth and maintain your dental hygiene. Drinking fluids that contain salt can provide relief to muscle cramps brought on by alcohol, lack of exercise or from certain medications.
  3. Combining sea salt into a bath can help to lighten the discomfort from the dry or itchy skin by opening up pores and improving the circulation in the skin.
  4. Gargling with salt water is also said to improve a sore throat both by symptomatic relief and as a preventative as it helps to wash the virus out.

It should be said that if in doubt, check with your doctor first and remember that too much salt can have the opposite effect and cause more problems if not taken in moderation.


Photo Credit: Depositphotos

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