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by inKin
16 Mar

U + Me + The Gym = TRUE LOVE: 4 Ways To Make Couple Fitness Fun

Fitness means various things to different couples. But no matter what kind of fit you are, fitness can be a lot more fun when it is custom-made for two.


It doesn't matter if you are two total newbies, two hardcore lifters or are operating on two different fitness levels entirely, every couple has the potential to find reasons to love getting healthier together. From social competitions with other lovebirds to one-on-one sessions built for two, here are 4 simple and successful ways that you can make getting fit fun for you and your valentine...


1. Compete Against Other Couples

It fosters bonding and teamwork. (Oh, and it's fun to win too!)

Competition is a known bonding experience when you are playing on the same team, and the shared experience can only stand to strength your coupledom. Connecting with friends and their other halves on inKin can help you to foster a spirit of teamwork... and bragging rights. Whether you want to compete for results or just for whoever the heck can stick with that cross-country-kick longest, inKin's social fitness platform can help you kick a little @$$ as a team.  


2. Go For a Post-workout Romp

It's scientifically the best time for "sexy time."

Levels of testosterone are at their highest post-workout. This means that you both might be in the mood for love. Endorphins are also at an all-time high right now, and we're sure you can see how this could be a very good thing, right? As if you needed an excuse.


3. Mix Up Your Workout

Nobody likes a grade A snooze fest.

Nothing slows down your progress quicker than a boring same old/same old workout. Not only does your body adapt quickly to the same old thing, but it also gets pretty dull pretty fast.

Go boxing on Saturday.

Try hiking on Sunday.

Hit the iron on Tuesday.

Whatever you do, mix it up. You will get better results and stay excited about getting fit as a team.


4. Earn Your Stripes and Reward Yourself

Ever saw that couple at the gym that color coordinates their outfits, drinks his and hers protein shakes and typically just stands around cheering each other on by the Smith Machine? You'll never be that couple, right? Well, if history proves anything, you just might be. That's because fitness is contagious and, well, the appreciation for each other's brand new bodies is kind of addicting. Once you catch the bug - you'll be hooked.

So, go ahead and set a reward for yourselves when you earn those stripes. That might mean matching tattoos or maybe even a vacation to the beach. Whatever it is that works for you and gets you motivated, pick that and do the heck out of it.


Like everything in life, getting fit is just a lot more fun when you do it together.  In as little as a month, you'll notice results in the mirror. In two months, your partner will notice, and in three months everyone else will notice too. That's a pretty sweet time line to get a smoking hot bod...

Photo Credit: Depositphotos


Additional reading:

5 Fantastic Couples That Kicked Fat In the Butt And Lost It All

Make Your St. Valentine's Day Super Special This Year

Healthy Gift Ideas This Valentine's Day!

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