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by inKin
23 Nov

The Easiest Way To Find Your Perfect Fitness Device

Here's a review of our Fitness Trackers Comparison Tool kindly provided by one of our customers, Hannah Shannon. That's for the post, Hannah:)

Here's a review of our Fitness Trackers Comparison Tool kindly provided by one of our customers, Hannah Shannon. That's for the post, Hannah:)

I do a ton of fitness shopping online, and my newest pursuit is a good, solid, fitness tracker. There are so many different kinds available now that finding my perfect fit is frustrating even when I know exactly what I'm looking for. I was never quite sure if I was getting the best deal, or if there was some other tracker that I hadn't even heard of which had everything I needed. I wasn't willing to settle. Fortunately, I stumbled across the inKin Comparison Tool before I made a purchase. This tool is amazing! It contains stats for over 120 different fitness trackers, which you can sort, sift, organize, and compare in literally hundreds of thousands of various combinations!


1. Sort by metrics tracked: 

inKin Fitness Trackers Comparison Tool Step 1

There is a row of blue icons across the top of the page to sort broad categories. There are eleven metrics, including step counters, calorie counters, swim trackers, and blood pressure, among others. I was primarily interested in a swimming tracker, so I sorted by that first. 



2. Sort by feature:

inKin Fitness Trackers Comparison Tool Step 2


The tool complements the above feature but can be used alone. If you aren't sure what type of tracker you need, but you do know some of the must-have features, this tool works well alone. On the sidebar, there is a list of features including GPS tracking, smart coach, and music control among many others. I decided that I wanted a waterproof tracker so that I could use it during my actual workout. 

Once you've chosen your must-have features, you can scroll down and find sync options: WiFi, Bluetooth, or manual. I wasn't planning to sync with anything in particular, so I skipped it.  Down a little farther was the most useful bit for me: the budget tool! I set my budget at $200 on the nifty little slider. I'm a sucker for 007 gadgets and needed to avoid the temptation to blow my life savings. Below that are options for battery and charger type, data viewing, and where it's worn. I left those blank because I like to keep my options open.  


3. Compare!

inKin Fitness Trackers Comparison Tool Step 3

After the initial pruning, I was left with twelve trackers which met my specifications. You can compare up to five at a time, so I frugally chose the five least expensive to see how they stacked up. Then I clicked the button in the upper right-hand corner which said "Compare", and a drop-down list appeared which gave me the option to remove any that I had changed my mind on. Confident in my choices, I clicked "Compare Now."

The chart was so cool. It was intuitive and easy to absorb, and it was very pleasing to look at. Across the top were the chosen trackers, with the prices right underneath for easy reference. The full list of features ran down the left-hand side, and the cross-sections had simple X's or check-marks to indicate if the tracker had something or not. I could see at a glance which trackers had the most features; another minute or so, and I knew exactly which one had the best features for my workout needs. My choice was clear: I needed the Ray from Misfit! I clicked on the name in the box at the top of the chart, and it took me directly to the details page. The "Buy Online" button beckoned me. I clicked. It took me to the shopping page for the Ray on the Misfit site itself, which made me feel secure in my purchase. It was so easy! I had been researching swim trackers for nearly a month, and this tool found me my perfect match in under ten minutes. 

Easy, fun, and pleasing to the eye... what more could you ask for?





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