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Social Fitness
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Lera P.
Just a person constantly exploring the world and trying to live her life to the fullest.

20 May
6 minute read

Calories in a Banana and Their Effect on the Health and Body

Enriching your diet with supplements, superfoods, and all sorts of exotic fruits, don't forget about good old bananas. Banana calories boost energy and nourish the body with nutrients essential for the proper functioning. Seemingly simple and affordable fruit, a banana gives a lot of room to play within the kitchen.
24 Sep
6 minute read

The 21-Day Myth: How Long Does it Take to Form a Habit?

Studies suggest, approximately 45% of our everyday activity is determined by the habits we've formed earlier. It can be either brushing teeth in the morning, reading a book while commuting, or eating fast food when tired. Considering the number of things we do automatically, it's good to understand the mechanisms that trigger habits, ways to break them or make them stick.
04 Aug
7 minute read

What Is More Effective Setting Goals or Building Habits?

Can you tell the difference between getting into shape for an event and eating five portions of fruits and veggies every day? Training to do splits and going to the gym or for a run 3 to 4 times a week no matter what? One is a goal. It motivates you to go further, but once you achieve it, it's gone. The other one is a habit, a specific routine of behavior that we do without even thinking about it. And here comes the question, what is a better strategy while striving for general wellness? We will go into details on what is the difference between the two, and when and what works better — building a habit or setting a goal.
05 Jul
7 minute read

Post-Pandemic Return to Work Checklist

We are slowly going back to the outside world. We start meeting with friends, going to the cafes, and eventually going back to the office. And as a couple of months ago we needed a guideline on how to build a work-from-home regiment, now we all need a small reminder on how to get back to the office and remain healthy and calm. Here is a short post-pandemic return to the work guide. As corporate wellness has two sides, the employee and the employer, and we are going to address concerns of both.
04 Jun
12 minute read

10 Research-Based Benefits of Corporate Wellness Programs

Corporate wellness can be a tricky topic, as it's not always obvious why a company should allocate time and resources to address employees' health. There is no direct answer what types of benefits are included in employee wellness programs? What's all the buzz about? And what are the benefits of employee health and wellness programs?
22 May
5 minute read

What Affects the Number of Calories Burned?

Calories are the first thing people start tracking if they think about losing, gaining, or maintaining weight, improving health, and achieving overall well-being. How calories work, and what determines energy expenditure are essential things to know, entering the world of wellness. Understanding the basics, you will be able to organize the process in compliance with your goals, have more calories burned, and won't harm the body following internet hacks and tips.
07 May
8 minute read

Simple Steps to Design an Effective Corporate Fitness Program

Comparing to our parents' generation, we probably spend way more time at work. But hardly anyone aims to work the whole life in one place. That's why often, companies compete for talents and out attention, and not the other way around.
27 Apr
6 minute read

Benefits of Wellness Coaching

Aiming for the best result possible, would you not look for a professional in the field to guide you? On a quest to a healthier and happier lifestyle, that specialist is a health and wellness coach. But what exactly this broad title means?
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