That said, as many employers have discovered, while it's relatively easy to initiate a workplace wellness program, they can be tedious to maintain. Eventually the employees begin to lose interest and motivation. The programs often bring with them a mess of paperwork and red tape, only contributing to a company's workload. And without accurate means of tracking progress, there is no hard evidence and little incentive to continue. What began with good intentions ends with frustrated employees, overworked managers and no wellness program benefits being realized.
Unlike other corporate wellness software providers, inKin works to motivate your employees and keep them actively engaged, and without adding to your (already large...and likely, unhealthy!) workload. Read on to discover three reasons you'll want to use inKin for your workplace wellness program.
inKin channels the excitement of competition as well as the camaraderie that comes with working as a team to achieve personal and common goals. On inKin, employees will find
Contests: With four individual and group-based contests from which to choose, employees become more motivated to reach their goals. And with diverse, achievable goals including getting more sleep and taking more steps per day, the intimidation factor is lowered, and everyone is drawn to participate.
You can spend a fortune on team building exercises and programs that have a fleeting, and minimal impact. And beyond the cost of the programs themselves, the opportunity cost of disrupted workday yields even higher losses. With inKin corporate health and wellness software,
There is no disruption of workflow. With no retreats to visit and no special guest instructors, employees gain the same benefits of team building activities without detracting from the workday
With inKin, there is virtually no work launching, implementing and maintaining your workplace wellness program. With corporate wellness tracking software uniquely designed to measure progress while simultaneously engaging users and providing instant feedback, there's little more to do than check in on the platform to see who's ahead (and what you need to do to lead the pack)! And if you want to top up your corporate wellness game, you can check our Playbook for some crucial tips and fantastic ideas.
Even more exciting is that inKin works with wellness devices your employees may already be using. With the ability to connect to a wide range of fitness trackers and pedometers, inKin integrates seamlessly with your employees' daily routines.
When you're ready to begin a health and wellness program for employees, inKin has got you covered. With the ability to motivate, encourage, track and manage, there is no easier way to encourage healthy lifestyles and, a more productive, efficient workplace.