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11 May

Three At-Home Workouts to Kick-Off Spring

Home workouts are a huge thing these days. Even those with a gym membership card will opt for the occasional at-home training session. How come, you ask? Well, it's unavoidable if you think about it. With so many sports influencers blessing our Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube feeds, we simply cannot resist joining the frenzy and try out their routines from the comfort of our homes.

Table Of Contents


But the first hurdle people might be facing is the question of how to work out at home. Many people will advise you to understand what you want to achieve and then set clear goals based on this understanding. But if history is any indication, creating a workout plan before starting the training sessions can sometimes backfire. 

Being new to the game, you may pick out workouts that aren't ideal for you, automatically setting yourself up for failure by overwhelming yourself and eventually quitting altogether. 

Going on from this, here's all it takes for you to work out at home: 

  1. Motivation, 
  2. Workout clothes (anything you feel comfortable in)
  3. Enough space

The second important question is...

How to Get Motivated to Work Out at Home


Again, the answer is more straightforward than you think:


  1. Browse the internet for workouts until you find something you'd enjoy.
  2. Keep it short. If you want to scale up, later on, you can. But in the beginning, don't obsess over results and have fun with it. 
  3. Have workout outfits. Changing into sports clothes will set you in the right mood to dedicate some time to workouts. 
  4. Listen to what your body needs. For example, if your body is sore from previous workouts, making you want to skip a workout session, opt for something less challenging, such as a dancing workout. 


Three At-Home Workouts to Kick-Off Healthy Habits


When playing around with the idea of starting home workouts, people are often thrown off by the realization that they might need home workout equipment. Purchasing new equipment for something you're not sure you're going to follow through is a lot of commitment. So with this in mind, our list of training to add to your home workout plan is equipment-free. 



Many people confuse yoga with acrobatics. Assuming that they'll have to have the flexibility of a gummy worm, they instantly shy away from giving it a go. 

But yoga can improve your health in many different ways, which don't require total physical flexibility.

  • Breathing exercises are a great way to relax and release stress. Nowadays, this is as important as any other exercise because it will bring more balance into the stress and bustle of everyday life. 
  • Exercises for back (/neck) pain are a must if you spend most of your days hunched in front of a computer or looking at your smartphone. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just make sure that you have the proper posture. Yoga can help with that. 
  • Meditation: Ommm. Who hasn't heard that one before? Sometimes your home workout doesn't have to consist of physical training. You can focus on body awareness, calm your mind, and improve your mental wellbeing. inKin's app will help you get motivated through meditation challenges. It also allows you to track your meditation and stay on top of things. 


Other than that, you always have the option to enjoy whole-body workouts consisting of various asanas with different levels of difficulty. They usually start with morning sun salutations and end with Savasana.

If you still lack motivation, check out these 6 Instagram accounts that will inspire you to take up yoga.


Ballet Workouts


Ballet workouts were brought to our attention through our love for British it girl, Alexa Chung. For years and years, the talk show host turned designer was spotted carrying ballet shoes around her neck, leaving us wondering what that was all about. Then finally, one day, the mystery was lifted when Ms. Chung shared a workout session on her YouTube channel with the founder of Ballet Beautiful. 


What makes us love ballet workouts so much (besides the fact that they're great for whole-body and targeted exercises)? It makes us elegant and poised like ballerinas without actually being ones. This is especially great for all of you who are spending a significant part of the day seated in your (home) office. 


Don't make the mistake of conflating ballet workouts and regular ballet lessons. Ballet exercises inspired by ballet, making them elegant and more fun, but not less intensive than other workouts. 


Ballet workouts usually start nice and easy with a stretch to elongate your muscles. There are no strict rules to follow. Just lengthen your body in a way that feels right for you.


Next, you can pretty much decide which ballet muscles want to focus on. Do you want to work on your abs? Great, then pull your stomach in to engage your core and get started. That's all. 



Dance Workouts

Dance workouts are such a great and sustainable way to exercise but are somehow very tragically buried with the 80s/90s with no chance of resurrection. This is such a shame because dance workouts are more effective than they seem. 


Contrary to the other two workouts mentioned in this article, dancing gets your cardiovascular system pumping, meaning that it burns calories. So if your goal is weight loss, then this is the exercise for you. And it helps that it trains different muscles at once, without you even realizing it. 


But the ultimate reason why dance workouts are not to be underestimated is that they improve your coordination. You're teaching your body and mind to coordinate with each other more smoothly. 



Which Blogs to Follow for Home Workout Routines?


  1. Yoga With Adriene: Adriene is an excellent workout instructor who covers an extensive range of yoga practices. From back, hips, and core training to deep stretches and total body yoga. 
  2. Ballet Beautiful: Did you know that there's such a thing as ballet workouts? They're not only entertaining and will give you that proper ballerina stance we all know and adore; they'll also give you lean and defined muscles instead of bulky muscles. 
  3. Jane Fonda Workouts: Who of us hasn't dreamt of doing workouts with Jane Fonda? In collaboration with BeFit, the legendary actress provides total body workouts, walking cardio, Latin dance workouts, and more. 


That's all for now. Motivating yourself for home workouts isn't that easy sometimes. But you can download inKin to track your performance and encourage you to follow healthy habits. We hope you have a lot of fun trying out our recommendations and wish you a happy and successful workout session!  


Additional Reading



Photo Credit: Unsplash

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