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by Zara
17 May

10 Awesome Workouts You Should Check Out This Year

Finding a fitness routine that works for you is often filled with trial and error.


Sometimes, you'll check out a class only to discover that it's not demanding enough for your current workout style. Other times, you'll be bored, or find yourself pushing too hard. If you're looking for a way to spice up your workout and try out something new, check out these 10 awesome workouts that will let you push your body, develop new skills, and experience a fun new way of exercising. 

1. Bounce Workouts

10 Awesome Workouts You Should Try. Bounce

Photo Credit

Indoor trampoline fitness classes offer an unparalleled opportunity to work your core and keep your heart rate up. Bounce trampolines let you literally bounce your way through a workout, toning your body while keeping it fun and exciting. You'll have a blast without even realizing how hard you're working--the perfect way to burn calories and get in shape with a smile on your face. 

2. Rock Climbing

10 Awesome Workouts To Try. Rock Climbing

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

If you're looking for a unique workout that will allow you to hang from the side of a wall, pushing your body to its limits, you need a gym or a fitness space that will provide you with a rock climbing class. Harnessed in, you're perfectly safe, but you'll get an adrenaline surge like no other. A rock gym is a great place to take on your new fitness challenge!

3. Capoeira

10 Awesome Workouts To Try. Capoeira

Photo Credit: Pinterest

You may have tried dance. You may have tried martial arts. But have you ever combined the two with music and used them to push your body to new heights? A Capoeira workout is an unparalleled chance to see exactly what you're made of. Through Capoeira fitness, you'll push your entire body, working harder than you thought it was possible, and having fun while you do it.

4. Pound

10 Awesome Workouts To Try. Pound

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Pound fitness combines a love of rhythm with a fitness regime that will have you rocking your way to a newly toned body. A pound routine uses weighted drumsticks to help you channel your inner rock star--the perfect workout for music enthusiasts. 

5. Krav Maga

10 Awesome Workouts To Try. Krav Maga

Photo Credit: www.kmseattle.com

If you've ever wanted to learn how to defend yourself and get a great workout at the same time, Krav Maga is a great place to start. Developed for the Israeli defense system, this martial art will provide an amazing fitness routine. Krav Maga fitness will leave you in the best shape of your life as each Krav Maga workout tests you against your most critical opponent: yourself.

6. Doonya

10 Awesome Workouts To Try. Doonya

Photo Credit: Pinterest

For dance enthusiasts who are eager to use their passion in a workout that will leave their hearts pumping, Doonya classes are a calorie-blasting opportunity that will leave them smiling through the entire process. Doonya fitness is incredible. This Bollywood dance style works to activate all the major muscle groups in a cardio routine that will push you just as hard as you're willing to go.

7. Pole Dance

10 Awesome Workouts To Try. Pole Fitness

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Pole dance isn't just for strippers anymore. In fact, there are a lot of women who are trying out pole dance as an opportunity to push their bodies, develop incredible muscles, and feel sexy while they're doing it. Who knows? You might find yourself performing for someone special once the classes are done.

8. Hula Hoop

10 Awesome Workouts To Try. Hula Hoop

Photo Credit: www.hoopsthighsbuttocks.com

Do you remember that little plastic circle from when you were a kid? You might have been the hula hoop master at your school. How successful would you be if you picked up that hoop now? With hula hoop fitness, you'll use that simple circle to engage in a great workout that will blast belly fat and sweat off those extra pounds like nothing you've ever experienced before. A hula hoop class or workout will bring out your inner child and leave you feeling great about all the effort you've put in. 

9. Forza

10 Awesome Workouts To Try. Forza

Photo Credit: Pinterest

For the martial arts enthusiast who has always been fascinated by weapons, Forza offers the opportunity to tone your body while learning new skills. Called the "samurai workout," a Forza workout session will leave you feeling like an incredible warrior.

10. Karaoke Spin

10 Awesome Workouts To Try. Karaoke Spin

Photo Credit: Timeout.com

Karaoke spin classes are cardio workouts with an extra element of fun added right in. You'll never again have to decide if you're going to go to the gym or participate in karaoke night. It's a great chance to get your music on and spin your way to a tighter, more toned you. 

There's a workout out there for everyone, and trying out new things is a great way to ultimately settle on the routine you'll love. The more workouts you try, the more you'll learn on the path to a new, fitter you. Shake it up every once in a while, try something new, and you never know: you might just find your new favorite fitness strategy.

Additional reading:

6 Unbelievably Simple And Awesome Workouts To Do At Home

7 Favorite Simple Post-Workout Foods To Boost Your Fitness Routine

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