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Social Fitness
Connect your fitness tracker or app and compete with friends.
Connect your fitness tracker or app and compete with friends.
Terez was born and raised in Queens, New York before moving to South Florida where she became more involved in fitness and nutrition. She currently is based in Washington, DC and loves to run, hike, and eat a plant-based diet as much as possible.

03 Feb
2 minute read

5 COVID-safe Valentine's Day Ideas

With Valentine's Day around the corner, you may be thinking, "so what? We're still in a pandemic." Don't be discouraged! There are still safe options at your disposal for you to acknowledge your love and appreciation for a partner, friend, relative, or anyone in your life who might be feeling the lockdown-blues.
14 Jan
2 minute read

5 Tips for Boosting Productivity at Work Post-Holiday

Welcome to 2021! The holidays are over, which means you're done vacationing and now have to get back to work, but how? How do we maintain productivity after the holidays?
23 Dec
2 minute read

Which Cooking Oil Should You Use?

While many restaurants have closed their outdoor (and some indoor) seating, you’re probably cooking at home a lot more than you want.
08 Dec
2 minute read

5 Tips for Coping With Anxiety and Loneliness During the Holidays

This holiday season, prepare for things to look and feel a bit different. If you’re worried about not seeing family and friends during the holidays or if you feel you’ve lost a sense of freedom with global lockdowns, it’s normal to feel disappointed, lonely, helpless, stressed, and so on.
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