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Corporate WellnessBENEFITS

Corporate wellness programs are one of the latest watchwords in business.
So if you want to stay on top of your game start encouraging health and wellness in your company as there are various impressive benefits of corporate wellness for both employers and employees.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
34.9% or 78.6 million of U.S. adults are obese.
Which make them highly exposable to obesity-related conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

But starting a healthy lifestyle is not easy. And given how much time we spend at work, it seems only logical that corporate wellness programs are aimed at helping people to better understand why they need to get healthier and more active and find motivation to start.
Healthcare premiums have increased by 76% since 2004
(from $9,950 in 2004 to $17,500 in 2015)
Employees with chronic health conditions cost 5 times
more - $6,032 per year


Higher insurance costs by $1429 per year, including:
- extra health insurance worth $8 billion per year
- sick leave worth $2.4 billion per year
- life insurance worth $1.8 billion
- disability insurance worth $1 billion


Loss in productivity by $80 billion annually
Less sleep by 20 mins per night which leads to lower productivity
Get Your Corporate Wellness Platform

What are the benefits of corporate wellness platform?

Needless to say that corporate wellness programs have numerous benefits for your staff. But is it worth investing in wellness platform from business's point of view? Well, here are just a few benefits your company can get with corporate health initiative.
Save On Health Care Costs
With the health and insurance costs increasing every year, it is important to optimize your company's expenses, as the more often your employees are sick or injured, the more often you're going to find your insurance premiums going up. And even if your staff doesn't take sick days over a minor illness or injury, you will still end up paying because their job performance will unavoidably drop.

Studies suggest that corporate wellness initiatives can lead to as much as 25% fewer sick days and, hence, a significant reduction in your health insurance premiums.

According to Forbes, a corporate wellness program can also lead to a 50% decrease in employees who experience high blood pressure.
Let Your Employees Know You Care
Introducing corporate wellness initiatives through social fitness competitions will not only show your staff that you care about their health and wellbeing but also make the whole process smooth and fun!
It’s a well-known fact that employees who see that their management cares about them and try something new in the office are more likely to give their job everything they've got.
Increase Productivity
Active people achieve more in life. Moreover, fitness exercising increases endorphins, making people overall happier and more content with their lives.

So even though it might seem not the best idea to destruct your employees from work so they can take a walk around the building, get a little exercise, or simply to move around for a while, in reality, encouraging your staff to get more active on the daily basis will influence their productivity.

Say, a walk around the block will make them come back to their desks refreshed and ready to do more.
Team Building
Cutting costs on insurance and healthcare sounds great.
But what if we told you that inKin corporate wellness platform could be a terrific tool to create a greater sense of community and increase employee engagement?

The Pros of Social Fitness Team Building:

Online social fitness challenges engage everyone in the office without disrupting the workflow.
Online social fitness challenges are less expensive and require less preparation time and your employees lose fewer working hours participating in this team building activity or trying appropriate extra curriculum in their busy schedules.
Online social fitness challenges last as long as you want them to, you can set up a new online challenge whenever you like, and you can create a variety of fitness competitions for different metrics and goals or even different branches and teams.
Online social fitness challenges also help build community among the various offices in a wide geographic area. Have a few branches across the county? Why not run a team battle to unite your staff?
Online social fitness challenges encourage teamwork. The simplicity and beauty of online fitness challenges are that you don't have to make them about each and every employee, but rather make it about the team and their ability to develop a strategy, inspire and motivate each other. This team building challenge will also encourage each member of the staff to give their all, because no one wants to be the reason their team is losing!
Online social fitness challenges help team members learn more about each other. Observing your team's behavioral patterns will teach you a lot about your employees and how they react to challenges in the workplace. You might discover hidden talents, too: informal leaders - someone in your office who is amazing at motivating people and encouraging them to reach their goals; team players and creative employees.
Online social fitness challenges encourage both healthier people within the office and staff who are ready to go the extra mile to succeed.
Get Your Corporate Wellness Platform

Smart ways to start a corporate wellness program

So, now you know that a corporate wellness platform is not just a fancy perk but a necessity for your team to become more active and healthier each day.

But where do you start and is it expensive?

Whether your company is large or small, we recommend starting introducing a corporate wellness program with these simple yet effective and steps.
1. Provide Healthy Snacks In The Office
Support your employees' health goals by filling your vending machines with healthy options instead of sugary chocolate bars and cookies that will lead to a quick high and immediate slump. A few ideas of the healthy snacks might include nuts and trail mix, yogurt, granola bars and fruits.

If you have an inbuilt office kitchen, get a blender for smoothies and make sure to stock up with fresh ingredients.
2. Get To Know Your Staff And Their Health Needs
If you really want to help your staff to start their healthy journey, talk to them first: run an anonymous survey identifying their health goals and needs but most importantly - find out what stops them from living more active lifestyle. Invite wellness specialists to talk about healthy options and educate your staff.
3. Offer Incentives
It's no secret that we often find it hard to motivate ourselves to refuse to have that yummy piece of cake or to wake up for a gym class one hour earlier in the mornings. Thus,many of us need extra incentives and "prizes" to look forward to. There are various incentives for motivating your staff: from an extra day off, to gift vouchers,lower health insurance premiums or even salary bonuses. It's also important to highlight the inevitable health and lifestyle benefits: increased energy, better mood, better fitting clothes, and greater overall wellness if they keep up a healthy lifestyle.
4. Educate & Inspire
Invite fitness and health professionals to talk to your team about their health and nutrition or maybe even develop personalized workout and diet plans for employees who would be up for it. Having someone checking their progress and advising them will make them accountable and take the whole wellness initiative more seriously. Also, using a wellness platform such as inKin can help your existing wellness advisers to work more efficiently and productive - gaining all necessary information and exchanging thoughts and recommendations with your staff in one place.
5. Run Corporate Social Fitness Cоmpetitions & Challenges
When you're just getting started with your corporate wellness program, a little fitness competition or challenge among fellow employees can be superb. It's cheap, it's extremely easy to set up, it doesn't require any additional work from your human resource specialists, and most of all - it's fun and motivating. You might need to invest in purchasing fitness devices for your team, or if you are not sure you can spare some extra cash on these, you can start a trial with the variety of free pedometer apps inKin supports (for example, Fitbit and Withings Android and iOS apps, Moves app).
Get Your Corporate Wellness Platform
When you engage in a wellness challenge across your corporation, you aren't just encouraging your employees to be healthier - you're also encouraging them to become more goal-orientated and dedicated to their team's success.

Also, healthy employees work harder and are happier. Developing a corporate wellness program for your business has significant returns that are well worth the cost and effort and might be one of the smartest decisions to make.
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